Feedsome is custom application that allows users to enter selected feeds from various resources into a web portal. Using a simple web-based interface, Feedsome enables users to customize the layout for content display on their screens and select unique content/data for specific objectives, making content display easy.
Feedsome Features
All Your Feeds in One Place
Consolidate your feeds into one platform and access it anytime, anywhere.
Moderate Easily
Inappropriate comments can be damaging. Control what is displayed on your screens. Generate two link options moderated and unmoderated content. Drive relevant social content that helps boost your objectives.
@Accounts and #Hashtags
Easily add these accounts.
Connect and Engage
Everyone loves attention, especially on the screens. Use the power of social media to reach your target audiences and build your brand or business.
How It Works
Create Your Template
Create your own templates and list the fields you require.
Create Your Feed
Create your own feed based on any template you create.
Add or Import Your Content
Add or import content to any of your created feed and generate XML/Json link to it.
Display Your Content
Display your content generated from the link in any format on your display screens.